There are (2) types of Interior Protection Systems – Underwriter Labratoried (UL®) Approved and those not approved by UL®. Although many of CLEANWRAP’s clients request a Clear or Fire Rated Interior Protection System installed in their facility, CLEANWRAP also offers (2) systems which are approved by UL® & meet NFPA13 requirements for installation beneath fire suppression systems.
A major cause for concern when a Temporary Interior Protection System is being installed is – “How is this going to affect the Fire Suppression System”. We hear this question time and time
again when meeting with clients and perspective customers on jobsites. As an addition, certain facilities are prompted by their insurance companies to make sure their fire suppression systems are not impaired at any time.
CLEANWRAP’s Hot Drop Away & Green Drop Away Systems will give you peace of mind knowing the Fire Suppression System will still function as designed throughout the Temporary Interior Protection process. CLEANWRAP’s UL® Approved Systems incorporate proprietary materials and installation methods which utilize a heat release mechanism within each system.
In the event of a fire, our systems have mechanisms built in that cause the plastic to “drop” allowing the plume of heat to reach the sprinklers and activate the sprinklers as they were designed to function. When we say the system “drops”, the material does not drop to the floor, it releases at the seams and the polyurethane sheets hang from the center ties allowing the heat to rise thus setting off the fire suppression system.
For further information on CLEANWRAP’s UL®-approved options, please contact us!